Asked by Anonymous User
on 21/10/21
Does anxiety cause dizziness and increase in pulse rate? How can we control the anxiety? Does it need medicine?
Asked by Anonymous User
on 21/10/21
Does anxiety cause dizziness and increase in pulse rate? How can we control the anxiety? Does it need medicine?
Dear user, if you would like to consult online with the doctor, kindly go through the link below,
Anxiety भनेको डर हो, कुनै डरलाग्दो अथवा खतरा को समय सबै मानिस डराउछन आतिन्छन, त्यो normal हो l तर बिना कारण आतिने,normal situation मापनि हडबढाउने भयो अनि तेस्ले daily life/study/job/sleep मा problem दियो भने anxiety disorder भएको भन्न सकिन्छl छिटो उपचार गराउदा राम्रो l councelling अनि medicine हरू हुन्छन, Psychiatrist लाई contact गर्नु होला l
Asked by salon rai
14 hours, 16 minutes ago