Asked by Anonymous User ,60 years

on 18/5/19

horizontal tear at posterior horn of medial meniscus. Dorsal defect of patella- normal variant with surrounding marrow edema at the lateral patellar facet. i have pain on knee from 2months which is increasing even in rest, limited daily activities, but no swelling It require immediate surgery or not? can any complications occurs after surgery?

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Dr. Sandip Kumar Yadav

Orthopedics and Trauma Surgeon

Thank you for the query.. It seems you already have MRI of knee... I think it needs surgery as there is medial meniscus tear and there is more stress on medial aspect of knee normally. It is hampering your daily activities too so better decide for surgery but your MRI finding and clinical finding needs to be co-related so consult an orthopedic surgeon. Dont worry surgery is not emergency. Till you consult the doctor , avoid knee bending, squating and cross leg positions. If pain is more u can take some pain killers such as Brufen/aceclofenac...

Answered on 19/5/19

प्रश्नको लागि धन्यवाद । अपरेसन गर्नको निम्ति यकिन गर्न तपाइको खुट्टाको स्थिती! जाँच आदि गरेर मात्र भ्न्न सकिन्छ । हिड्न काम गर्न अफ्ट्यारो भएको छ कि खासै फरक परेको छैन? एकपटक हाडजोर्नी रोग विशेषज्ञसंग सल्लाह लिनुहोला। हाम्रोडक्टर मार्फत अनलाइन परामर्शको निम्तती यो लिन्कमा जानुहोला :

Answered on 18/5/19

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