Asked by Raj Dev
on 14/6/19
i have a problem with my 8 yrs daughter that she gets bleeding through her nose when ever she cries...
Consultant, ENT- Head & Neck Surgery
Thank you for the question.the cause of nose bleeding is unknown in most of the cases however nose bleeding in her case might be due to too hot weather or nose pricking or dry nose.if the bleeding is excessive please consult an ENT surgeon at the earliest.thank you
Psychiatry, 2 Years of practice
Bleeding from the nose is serious condition that requires immediate medical attention. We must find out the cause for the bleeding; there may be various reason behind it. Dont allow your daughter to take finger to nose and maintain hygiene. Consult the ENT doctor in nearby hospital!!
Asked by Sirjana kumari baniya ,28 years
1 day, 6 hours ago