Asked by Dream girl
on 1/7/19
how to cure vitamin d3 difficency I hav 6 only n I m taking 60kd medicine evryweek still I m feeling pain In my body what should I do?
Asked by Dream girl
on 1/7/19
how to cure vitamin d3 difficency I hav 6 only n I m taking 60kd medicine evryweek still I m feeling pain In my body what should I do?
visit doctor again, the persistent pain could be due to other problems as well.
Neurology (MBBS, MD, DM), 14 Years of practice
Dream girls Ji, Eggs, salmon fish, mushrooms, meat, fortified food and sunlight are good sources of vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency may be associated with multiple sites pain. As you have started taking Vitamin D @ 60K units, it may take few weeks for u you to feel better. As u have very low vitamin d level so its better for u to take weekly doses for 12 wks and monthly thereafter.
Orthopedic and Spine Surgeon,Clinical Scientist, 15 Years of practice
in this cases, make it regular check up to test for vit 3 level snd also work out for other rheumatological work up!
can u please tell wat can I take for vitamin D suppliment as I m vegeterian
Orthopedics Surgeon, 10 Years of practice
take vitamin d suppliment
Please take the medicine as prescribed for the total duration. Take foods rich in calcium like: milk, egg, meat, vegetables. Be seated in morning sun for sometimes. If not relieved consult the doctor again in nearby hospital. Thank you
Asked by Sirjana kumari baniya ,28 years
4 hours, 19 minutes ago