Asked by Anonymous User
on 4/8/19
मेरो जिब्रोमा घाँउ भएको छ किन होला ? डाक्टरसँग जानकारी लिनु थियो
Commonest cause of mouth ulcers are Aphthous Ulcers. It is said almost 50% people get aphthae sometime. Comoon causes of repeated aphthae are stress, spicy & hot food, dentures, irritating toothpastes, alllergy to certain foods etc. But it can also come without a cause sometimes. There are other causes of mouth ulcers too. Please visit a Dermatologist or Dentist or ENT specialist.
कस्तो खालको घाउ हो, दुख्ने वा नदुख्ने कति भयो आएको सबै कुरा विस्तृतमा राखिदीनुभए सजिलो हुनेथियो । धन्यवाद
Asked by Sirjana kumari baniya ,28 years
1 day, 1 hour ago