Asked by nabin gautam ,32 years
on 31/12/19
I have a problem of social anxiety and shyness
Asked by nabin gautam ,32 years
on 31/12/19
I have a problem of social anxiety and shyness
But I'm Out of Nepal... Yo problem le dherai satako chha k garne hola.. Online counselling lina milchha hola ne
Psychiatrist and Sexologist (Consultant in Psychiatry and Sexual Medicine)
Visit to a Psychiatrist will help diagnosing the problem and necessary management options,
Please elaborate more since when you are having it and other things. You can have private consult with psychiatric doctor via hamrodoctor by going through this link:
Psychiatry and Mental Health , 5 Years of practice
Consulting with Psychologist will help you alleviate those social anxiety and shyness. If the symptoms are severe then you’ll have to see a Psychiatrist for medical treatment. Get well soon.
Asked by Sirjana kumari baniya ,28 years
16 hours, 3 minutes ago