Asked by Amar Lohani

on 5/4/20

I had epididymal cyst confirmed right side. A general sergeon done surgery exactly like hydrocele, not like a cyst. my right side testicle is still very big, little tender but not infected. surgery done before 40 days. may i need surgery again in right way?

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Now, I am happy with your good suggestion. Thanks a lot again...

Answered on 6/4/20

Amar ji, we could understand your query and anxiety. We don't know exactly what was done in your procedure and it could be best answered by the treating surgeon regarding it. As far as concerned with your query here, sometimes full portion of cyst could not be removed because of its proximity to vessels, large size or other associated factors. And there may be individual variability in the surgery depending upon the person and circumstances. Regarding the swelling you need to be reexamined and possibly USG of the swelling may help to find out it recurred or any other thing out there. If its terribly big and painful, you can visit the same hospital or nearby hospital and consult with a surgeon. If its only quite small, then you may wait for few days more and decide accordingly. Hope this solves your query! Get well soon!

Answered on 6/4/20

Thanks for reply. after finding out through altrasound that i have epididymal cyst, i reserched about its surgical procedure, i watched many videos of procdure, i read about procedure. exactly the whole cyst must be removed in cyst condition , but my doctor just Incision and drainage (ID) my cyst and showed me only liquid thing. without removing cyst sac, it may be refilled. Note: i am medical professional, i can understand medical terminology and procedure instantly than ordinary people; but i am not do my surgery myself, why not question doctor's procedure ? are they hitler?

Answered on 6/4/20

How do you know the surgeon did like that or this? Its not good to say about the doctor's surgical procedure without knowing more. Some swelling may seen after the surgery done but it may regress with time. Need to see exactly how it is and examine more. If you want for online consult for urologist go through this link:

Answered on 6/4/20

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