Asked by Bibek Rokaya

on 15/5/20

my community one women is having suffered from burning sensation of feet and hand during at night and backpain sometimes abdominalpain butocks pain vertigo suddenly standup shortness of breath dryeyes.Her age nearly 21 year and she has one baby about 2 years.Her baby is still drinking brestmilk and her delivary wasnot not normal it means cs delivary.she has usually low pb.she was checked her blood before two month including LFT CBC ECG USG TFT Urine r/E uric acid RBS everything was normal but esr only elevated doctor had given to her ony the multivitamin and naproxen antacid.I had test her blood some days before ESR eas normal but her sign and simptos isn't improved yet.what should have to test and what should do her.plz doctor give good suggestion.

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Have check her blood pressure done! ask her to drink plenty of fluids and water! Encourage the intake of fruits and vegetables more available out there. If not relieved or become serious ask her to visit the hospital nearby and have detail check up once the lockdown is over. Thanks!

Answered on 16/5/20

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