Asked by Piyush Karn
on 27/8/20
I have Acid Reflux Problem . As i had suffered already in January and Doctor Suggested Me to Take Cintodac and Nexpro 40 . But i am confused about the Prescription when should i take which onw
Asked by Piyush Karn
on 27/8/20
I have Acid Reflux Problem . As i had suffered already in January and Doctor Suggested Me to Take Cintodac and Nexpro 40 . But i am confused about the Prescription when should i take which onw
Acid reflux ko लागि औसधी मात्र भन्दा पनि खानपिन र जीवनशैलीमा पनि परिवर्तन ल्याउन जरुरी छ! लामो समयसम्म त्यस्तो समस्या देखिएमा एकपटक इन्डोस्कोपी गरेर परिक्षण गर्नपर्ने पनि हुन सक्छ! एकपटक पेट रोगको डाक्टरसंग अनलाइनमा आफ्नो समस्या राखेर परामर्श लिनको लागि यो लिंकमा जानुहोला:
Asked by Sirjana kumari baniya ,28 years
2 hours, 26 minutes ago