Asked by भण्डारी रुपक ,30 years

on 13/10/18

The doctor told me that I have suffered an MCL sprain after what I suppose was a Valgus Stress test on my knee which he further confirmed so after an X-Ray (AP and Lateral). I have been told to wear a short knee brace. Now that it has been nearly three weeks or so what kinds of light exercises should I pursue so as to regain strength on my knee( I didn't do quad sets, SLR previously and have started them and heel prop additionally just two days ago). Since I am also an athlete, is it okay that I return to the game after I am able to stretch my knees without pain or should I wait for a while ? Also should I stop wearing the brace from now on. Since restricting the mobility of one of the flexible parts of your body may stiffen it when kept the way it is? I will greatly appreciate the help. I didn't do quad sets, SLR previously but have started it lately. Thank You.

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Dear Rupak, Thank you for the question. The duration of physiotherapy and mobilization depends upon the response and your clinical condition . Its quite difficult to say from here to stop or continue the exercise you are doing or do mobilization. You need to consult with your own doctor . Or if you want to consult with orthopedic surgeon via hamrodoctor please go through this link:

Answered on 15/10/18

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