Asked by Anonymous User ,30 years

on 29/9/20

I have been suffering from burning urination since 6 months and IBS since 3 months. I had completed 14 days course of sompraz, amoxicillin and clarith. Now continuing sompraz and mevebrine hydrochloride. I still suffer from stomach pain ( pain lasts for few seconds)at right side that comes and goes often, lower abdominal pain(mostly at night) and burning urination ( when I take hot water or tea and i sweat alot), frequent urination even if i don't drink much water at daytime. Urologist rocommended azithromycin and levi f. I don't have a fever, and blood in the urine. The abdominal pain goes away once I pass winds or stools. I had done an abdominal and pelvic ultrasound two and half months ago, the report says- normal upper abdominal scan and left simple ovarian cysts. Can ovarian cysts cause any problem? I am also experiencing constipation for 3 weeks, I have taken laxative syrup at bedtime, but I feel bloated, fullness and burning sensation around the anus. Should I continue to take it? Done UGIE and colonoscopy one month ago and diagnosed grade 1 haemorrhoids and ascending colon polyp. The polyp was removed during the colonoscopy procedure. Can the polyp appear in the future? What preventive measures should I take?

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Hello. Please go through the link below to consult online with the doctor so that you can clear the doubts and queries you have mentioned;

Answered on 30/9/20

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