Asked by Anonymous User ,30 years

on 29/12/20

मेरो श्रीमतीको पिसाब पोलिराख्छ बेला बेलामा अनि पानी अलि बढी खायो भने हराउछ यो समस्या के को हो ? अनि किन यस्तो हुन्छ पिलिज जानकारी पाउ ।

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Namaste! Doctor sanga online paramarsha lina ko lagi tala diyiyeko link ma click garnu hola;

Answered on 3/1/21

1. Less water in body,dehydration, kidneys make concentrated urine, concentrated urine irritates bladder and urethra. So, there is burning sensation in the process of passing urine. 2. less water, concentrated urine, urinary tract infection also causes burning sensation. drink enough water to make your urine dilute and normal colored. And if burning persists, visit your doctor and have urine routine checked up.

Answered on 30/12/20

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