Asked by Anonymous User ,39 years

on 9/1/21

I had prolonged periods last month that went on for 3-4 weeks. It was very light like spotting. The first week I had black clots and brown discharge as well then, fresh red blood spotting for 3-4 weeks straight. The spotting stopped for 5 days and now I have my periods again for this month. I always had a normal cycle so I am a bit concerned this time. I sometimes have a light discomfort as well on the left lower abdomen. I also want to point out that I had alot more than normal cystic acne on my cheeks and chin during the 1 month of spotting as well. Other than that no other noticeable symptoms. Please let me know what could be the possible cause. Thanks.

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The first question is: age, the second is your mariatal status. if you’ve had periods for so long period, we really need to look for the cause and find if its treatable. Acne could be due to hormonal influence, so be the menorrhagia. First,please consult a gynaecologist and yes, we really need to look for the level of hemoglobin and other investigations. lets find the cause, if the cause isn’t found, its DUB/AUB. My best suggestion at this moment: Visit a gynaecologist please. Regards!

Answered on 10/1/21

Hello. Please go through the link below to consult online with the doctor;

Answered on 10/1/21

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